Thursday, 23 June 2011

Offshore Marine Support , Welcomes "Irish Rover"


New vessels Details!

I have great pleasure in welcoming Irish Rover to the growing list of vessels available for charter, she belongs to Nelsons Boats and Marine services and will be available for charter soon, Call quinton on 02891 883403 or mobile 07811 230215 for more details

Irish Rover Boasts more Berths than Mabel Alice, she has a full Galley and has managed to retain many of her Original features! Call us for charter details

Mabel Alice, retains most of her original features including full galley facilities 6 Berths, Digital TV, Heads etc,

These vessels are maintained regardless of cost, they have both been deemed as Compliant for ornithological survey by JNCC,

See what our customers Say! our web site has customer comments and recommendations.

Our vessels are both currently available for charter,

Have a nice day!


Sunday, 19 June 2011

The week Ahead!

I am busy here, making steady progress with OMS Ltd

We are looking to engage with people withing the offshore renewables industry, Gas, oil and Wind.

Our History, I started Offshore Marine Support Ltd in 2010 and to date we have worked for several prestigious companies in the filming industry and with in wind and renewables sectors.

We completed filming previously for ITV,s the Royal where I took part in several scenes onboard a period lifeboat (over a week)for an episode call "Dead Air" soon to be aired on ITV, working with actors such as Robert Daws.
We also had the priveledge to work with 20th Century on the "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" last years Narnia film release just before Christmas.

Robert Daws on the foredeck of the "Elsenby Lifeboat" in the Solent filming.

We have held our own working in the offshore wind industry while working with Natural Power, Natural England, EON to name a few.

Current Vessels!

Mabel Alice and Irish Mist remain the back bone of our current operations (Both Arun Class Vessels)the have been successfully used for Bird and Mammal Surveys and are JNCC Compliant!
We have access to 2, 15 ton bollard pull tugs and several Commercially coded Ribs.

We are planning a 18 - 20 mtr windcat in 2011 - 2012 and are engaged in talks with operators currently, we need your committment guys!!

We are happy to discuss your requirements,

Our Committment!

Compliant, safe, and well organised operations at sea.
Proffesional Crews.
Immaculate, well presented and safe vessels that have already proven there sea keeping abilities for many decades.
Cost effective solutions
Open, Honest, discussion with customers

What we want!

You to call us with your requirements, give us the chance to quote and to work with you.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd, "Here we Grow again"

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Its been sometime since I posted any Blogs! appologies but as they say"No news is Good News!

Here is my Update, I have been slowly working towards increasing our business profile through media such as Linkedin etc, where we have made a huge amount of business friends and Collegues.If anyone has any further ideas for free industry advertising feel free to drop me a line!

Mable Alice is now a resident of Lowestoft as I recently re-positioned her in a bid to find her work on the East Coast. We are currently engaged in talks with several operators on the East Coast who have expressed an interest in Chartering her mainly for Ornithological Survey and standby duties.

Mabel Alice will soon be joined by a Second Arun Class Vessel.

News Flash!!!

OMS Ltd is currently exploring the viability of adding a windcat to our growing fleet of vessels.It is anticipated that she will be 18 to 20 mtrs, depending on specification. We are activly seeking to engage with end users which will enable us to have a bespoke vessel built to exacting customer requirement ,so should you require a similar vessel please contact me.

We have attended many conference's throughout the last 18 months, including locations such as Aberdeen, Falmouth, Twickenham, Bristol and more recently Southampton where we have been able to hold our own! being a small business. We have been able to rub shoulders with many CEO'S, Directors and Operators within the wind industry and on two occassions even managed to take the stand and address delegates directly (Not exactly easy when you face upto 250 very senior delegates).

The wind industry is fraught with locked doors and doors contantly being closed in ones face but I will continue to knock on doors and prove to the industry we have a product worth investing in.

We thank all those who have supported us including previous customers such as EON, Natural Power Natural England, 20th Century Fox and Beatwax where Offshore Marine Support Ltd has been proud to supply our vessels to there requirements.

Mabel Alice and Arun Class Vessels are very capable vessels and our Aruns maintain their safety features, these vessels are stable very agile and able to contend with the very worst weather conditions making them very safe for your offshore projects!!

We can send you Vessel specification, detailed support details by request!

Have a great weekend and please ALL "Stay Safe At Sea" remember your life jacket will only save you if you wear it!


Please note we are not in anyway associated with the RNLI, (although I am Ex ALB crew).