Friday, 30 November 2012


We have been invited, by Red7Marine, to add their vast array of marine equipment to our portfolio of vessels, and associated equipment, available for charter.

Red7Marine (R7M) is a leading supplier of coastal and estuarial subsea engineering, marine civil engineering and marine renewables.  R7M own and operate a large fleet of marine plant, consisting of Classed Jack-Up Barges, Anchor and Spud Leg Coastal Barges together with a large range of modular road-transportable connecting pontoons in support of various construction activities.

Available vessels and equipment includes: 

Modular Jack-Up Barge - 24.4 x 17.1 x 2.45m (max deck load 250t)
Modular Jack-Up Barge - 29.3 x 17.1 x 2.45m (max deck load 250t)
2 x Modular Jack-Up Barges - 18.0 x 18.0 x 1.5m (max deck load 100t)
2 x Modular Jack-Up Barges - 18.3 x 12.2 x 1.5m (max deck load 80t)
Mono-Hull Jack-Up Barge - 18.0 x 15.0 x 3m (max deck load 200t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 41.9 x 16.8 x 2.9m (max deck load 700t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 30.0 x 23.2 x 2.4m (max deck load 670t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 29.2 x 18.2 x 3.3m (max deck load 690t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 34.0 x 11.0 x 2.5m (max deck load 525t)
2 x Multipurpose Flat Top Barges - 30.0 x 11.0 x 2.5m (max deck load 500t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 30.0 x 10.0 x 2.5m (max deck load 325t)
Multipurpose Flat Top Barge - 30.0 x 11.0 x 2.8m (max deck load 525t)

Offshore Support Vessel - 90.52 x 18.00 x 17.10m

Stan Tug 1205 - Bollard Pull 9t - 13.1 x 5.3m (draft 2.0m)
2 x Twin Screw Workboats - Bollard Pull 4t - 11.8 x 3.7m (draft 1.1m)
MCA Cat 3 / 4 - Bollard Pull 2t - 9.2 x 0.9m (draft 1.0m)

5 x 9.2m Schottel Tugs
3 x Shallow Draft 7m Schottel Tugs - Bollard Pull 1t - 7.0 x 2.4m (draft 0.9m)

Valiant DR 490 Rib - 4.9 x 1.9m

Valiant DR 520 Rib - 5.2 x 2.2m
Aluminium Workboat - 4.9 x 1.7 x 0.7m

2 Units of Modular Pontoons - 16.0 x 4.1 x 1.7m (max deck load 84t)
Dredger Barge - 16.0 x 10.8 x 1.7m
Modular Floats - Swim Ends - 4.75 x 2.1m
Modular Floats - Mid Sections - 4.2 x 2.1m

Crawler Cranes - 50t - 170t
Knuckle Boom Cranes                                  


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Service Beyond Expectation

To make us different, we ensure that we offer a service that is recognised as, not only "outside of the box," but one that will leave a long lasting positive effect on your organisation!

We developed rapidly throughout 2012 and continue to develop and move forward.

Bird and Mammal Surveys

JNCC Compliant Survey vessel "Mabel Alice." Proven in the field of Bird and Mammal Survey having completed hundreds of hours of surveys at sea, for Centrica, SSE, EoN, HIdef, Natural Power and Natural England to name a few!

Vessel Brokerage

We currently have more than 30 vessels available for charter. The list of vessels is growing daily and offer the following support:

WFSV's from 10m to 28m;
Survey vessels for bird and mammal, grab sampling, hydrographic Survey, etc;
Blade carrying vessels (turbine blades) from 75m to 95m;
General transfer and  maintenance with crane and 20ft container carrying capacity to 30m;
Guard Vessels capable of many weeks at sea;
Safety vessels for SAR duties;
Press and general work boats.

For our latest vessels follow the link to our website -

Crew Services

We have been asked many time's if we supply crew and MMO's or PAM's - well we do now!!

This week alone we have placed two competent crew, one master/engineer and one for crew with potential to upgrade to skipper.

If you have a CV and or you are looking for work we are happy to add you to our growing data base (it's free guys) and it's in complete confidence (it's surprising how many off you are looking to jump ship).

For the latest information follow the link to our website -

Vessel Auditing

Money saving - part of what we do is to ensure that the end user saves money. We offer a competitive vessel audit facility at any location UK / Ireland / Europe. Tell us where the vessel is and we will audit it and send a report directly back to your office. Why move the vessel???  We can save thousands of pounds on wasted vessel mobilisations, not to mention the reduction in the Carbon Footprint.

MCA Inspections

We now have an "in house" vessel inspector.  MCA Annual Coding inspections can be carried out. Call us for more details.

M.G.N.. 280 M Coding of Vessels in commercial use for Sport, Pleasure or Workboats, i.e. Wind Farm or Survey an I I M S / M C A approved surveyor is available to discuss your needs and carry out this coding.


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

More Services From Offshore Marine Support

Mobile Vessel Audit Services

Just about every Energy Company requires a vessel to be audited before they will allow it to enter the site and on service. With this in mind we have our own in-house Auditor. Our auditor has years of experience in specific vessel auditing for offshore wind and renewables and, working together with Energy Organisations we have an audit system that can be tailored specifically for your site or requirement.

Our Auditor will visit the vessel, carry out the required documentation and submit a full report based upon what he finds.


We travel so the vessel doesn't have to, saving thousands in fuel and mobilisation costs, a cost effective solution to vessel Auditing.

Vessel Annual Coding Inspections

M.G.N. 280 M  Coding of Vessels in commercial use for Sport ,Pleasure, or Workboats, ie Wind Farm or Survey an  I I M S / M C A approved surveyor is available to discuss your needs and carry out this coding.      

With more than 30 vessels available for charter, we can offer complete package services, from Survey to O & M, vessels for Engineering, Guard Duty and Safety to Cat1 (150 miles)

Call Andy on 07590 688046 for more information

Saturday, 3 November 2012



This 11m vessel, based in Southern Ireland, is very well equipped, and beautifully presented.  Available for charter, anywhere in the UK or Ireland either as a bare boat charter or with qualified and experienced crew.

Her capabilities make her ideal for survey work as she is complete with multi beam/side scan sonar/sonar winch/sup bottom profiler/USBL and the availabiltiy of Qualified Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveyors.

Length: 11m
Beam: 4.4m
Draft: 1.4m
Weight:  15.3 tonne
Engines:  2 x Scania D9 310hp
Cruise Speed:  15kts
Fuel Tanks:  2 x 1000l
Dept. Marine Licensed P5 (30 miles offshore) for 12 Passengers

Load Line
Innovative aluminium hull designed for stability and safety
Anti-Vibration shaft couplings

Power:  12V / 24V / 220V with 3 sets of batteries
Victron 3000 watt inverter with separate alternator and batteries
Simrad Auto Pilot
Simrad GPS and Plotter
Simrad Radar
Sounder / Fish Finder

Detachable hydraulic A-frame rated to 1.5t with drum winch
Removable 360 degree davit arm with high speed hauler (capacity 500kg) - suitable for grab sampling

Anchor winch


4 Berths
Fresh water storage
Deck wash
Elevated wildlife observation deck
Open deck area 3.5m x 4.2m


Thursday, 1 November 2012

IT CANT GET ANY BETTER.......................

The huge power of LinkedIn...................................

Good luck to all budding entrepreneurs and businesspeople - look forward to seeing you succeed!

Richard Branson is often cited as an example of an entrepreneur who young people can look up to and take advice from.

Andy IannettaAndy Iannetta Thank you Richard, Like many others we are doing our best to keep the UK trading
·         Richard B.Richard B. Indeed it is me Kevin Matthews, and Andy Iannetta – great work on your efforts, keep at it
·         Andy IannettaAndy Iannetta Thank you Richard, we are trying!! and that gives me a great lift!!
