Thursday, 30 May 2013


As a result of Guy Brown, the Managing Director, of Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd, attending our own conference back in February, and a further meeting at All Energy in Aberdeen last week, Offshore Marine Support Ltd is pleased to announce that Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd  have chosen to use our co-operative platform for the non exclusive promotion of their extensive marine plant.

Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd is theUK subsidiary of Herbosch-Kiere, a leading European maritime contractor.  Core activities include maritime construction, marine renewable energy, demolition and heavy lifting.  Clients range from local authorities, port and harbour operators to offshore and renewable companies.

Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd is developing an increasingly strong presence in theUKfrom its enviable pedigree and reputation of its parent company, based in Belgium, spanning back over 100 years. Herbosch-Kiere NV is a member of the Eiffage Benelux Group, which in turn is part of Eiffage France – one of the largest civil building and facilities management contractors in Europe, employing some 70,000 people, an annual turnover in excess of 14 billion, with an international network of 500 subsidiaries.

From the UK office, the focus is on projects which have a high degree of technical difficulty or logistical problems and the core marine business includes piling, rock placing, demolition, salvage, heavy lifting and renewable energy installations.  With a continued investment in marine plant the fleet is substantial and Andy Iannetta, Managing Director of Offshore Marine Support Ltd says “we are delighted to be working alongside Guy and the team at Herbosch-Kiere as the opportunities are endless and this will ensure that the Co-Operative continues to grow and meet the challenging demands of the industry”

We shall be promoting all of Herbosch-Kiere equipment over the coming weeks and are more than happy to discuss any requirements.  Guy Brown, Managing Director of Herbosch-Kiere Marine Contractors Ltd says “The Marine Renewables Industry in particular has grown rapidly over the past few years. By bringing owners, energy companies and organisations together the co-operative provides a great opportunity for vessel procurement, so we were delighted when Andy approached us with the idea of utilising the co-operative formed by Offshore Marine Support Ltd."

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