Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Tiburon Subsea AUV's is working with Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd

OMS-Brokerage ltd and Tiburon Subsea join forces! Andy Iannetta MD of OMS said" we are delighted to support Tim and the team from Tiburon Subsea. This has brought a new dimension to our services and support within the renewables sector with leading edge technology which has already proven itself in the North Sea. Our hours of dedication have paid off and we look forward to working with Tim and developing our relationship further"


Tiburon Subsea is pleased to announce we are now working with Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd. as a provider of support vessels for our Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV).  Our AUV’s provide side scan, bathymetric sonar and magnetometer systems and operational support.  Autonomous Underwater Vehicle surveys are the perfect solution for modern site clearance and UXO surveys.  They are the newest most comprehensive way to collect high quality stable data sets that previously proved difficult if not impossible to collect. “The success of providing near coastal data sets is unlike any that have been produced with towed or pole mounted systems.” States Tiburon Subsea’s CEO, Tim Taylor.  “ Our recent successes in the Moray Firth in Scotland has met with extremely high interest from our international clients”

Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd. provides solutions that give Tiburon Subsea the ability to work with local vessels.  The value of working with this type of support platforms cannot be underestimated.  Local knowledge is a vital part the ability to collect superior data sets with cost savings. Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd. continues to provide custom solutions through a professional and integrated approach that enhances the local participation in offshore work.  "Andy Iannetta of Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd says how very proud we are to have been selected to represent Tiburon Subsea in the UK with promoting this exciting new technology"

Tiburon Subsea's provides underwater technology rental, services and support. They equip marine service providers and companies with the latest technologies and engineering support. With a focus on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and a strong network of affiliates our technical team trains, supports and services our custom fleet of AUV’s.

For more information check out our websites Tiburon Subsea at 
http://www.tiburonsubsea.com or at with Offshore Marine Support (Brokerage) Ltd.  http://oms-brokerage.com/

Tim Taylor
917.423.1369 V

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