Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Welcome to Tuesday mornings Blog

OMS Ltd, is dedicated in providing safe, cost, effective, and dedicated service, if you have a project coming up and need support we might be able to help, Through our associated companies we can provide crew training including first aid, Sea Suvival,VHF DSC,Radar, boat handling PB Level 1 and 2 to advanced etc.

We can offer a complete package for you project from vessel management to support and training.

We have 2 Arun Class vessels, both are JNCC Compliant, we also operate 2 Harbour tugs based Northern Ireland and 2 Coded Ribs.

We are growing and have plans to add a windcat this year, if a windcat is something you require in the future talk to us,
Mabel Alice in a previous Life.

Several people have asked for more picture's, so here goes!!
Mabel Alice providing safety support on the River Avon from Portishead to Bristol city Docks 2010.

Almost at Bristol, passing through the Avon Gorge!

Previous Filming Escapades

For any of you that watch or have watched Heartbeat or the Royal, I was involved in filming an episode as a lifeboat crew memeber, Recognise anyone!!!!

So as you can see OMS Ltd and our associate companies can offer support for many different requirements, for filming we have a variety of most classes of Ex Lifeboats.

For anyone that would like to discuss our services directly with me, call me on 07590 688046

Have a great Tuesday and if your out on the water "stay safe"


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