Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Happy Tuesday Morning

Offshore Marine Support Ltd, continues to grow, we have joned forces with yet another organisation in Northern Ireland David Ferran & Sons, they bring a wealth of information, vessels and support to the table, follow the link for more information on their service
Mabel Alice continues to be located in Lowestoft and is currently available for Charter.

Irish Mist is currently completing re-fit and will soon be in Belfast and available for Charter.

Both Arun Class vessels, Mabel Alice and Irish Mist are JNCC Compliant and have already successfully completed several Bird and Mammal Surveys

Mabel Alice

Irish Mist

What ever your requirements, we may be able to help, we have several commercially coded Ribs available for charter.
Our vessels have already completed several Ornithological Surveys and Filming duties.

We are in discussion with several wind cat builders and anticipate placing an order for a new build 18 or 20 mtr vessel very soon, with that in mind if you are looking to charter such a vessel in the near future talk to me, we can have a vessel built to your exact requirements (subject to a committment)

We take great pride in introducing our services to the Offshore Renewable world! ensuring Quality, Professional service and unequalled support.

Have a great day! and " Stay Safe on the water"

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