Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year

Dear Friends, collegues and customers

Offshore Marine Support Ltd wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

This week we were once again called into action at short notice, on Wednesday and Thursday we were asked to provide Mabel Alice again for Survey on Rampion Wind Farm, these 2 days were completed 100% successfully, continuing with are 100% success rate for 2011,

Watch out for our new web site early next year, and news off more vessels becoming available soon, including our proposed new 20 mtr Cat!!!!

We have available the following;

1 X Arun Class vessel for Bird and Mmmal survey JNCC Compliant and proven
2 x Ex Fishing vessels, both have already been in action as guard vessels
1 x 11 mtr South Boat Cat setup for Survey.
1 x 7.2 mtr Cheetah marine cat set up for Survey
1 x coded Rib

Poposed New vessel ready Feb / March 2012 Brand New 20mtr Cat,

If any of the above is off interest please contact me for vessel spec sheets (all available via email)

We have recieved many enquiries for 2012 including one from the US Task force for a support vessel, and a Hovercraft trials support vessel,

We are able to cater for a variety of different scenarios, what ever you need we can help,

Thank you for following us throughout 2011 and I hope that you will continue to follow us throughout 2012.

Have a great Christmas Break

Andy and the team @ Offshore Marine Support Ltd

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd "Chartering Nationwide"

Wecome to our latest Blog, not much has happened since our last Blog, We have however completed another Survey on the proposed Rampion wind farm site off Brighton, Sussex.
All these Surveys have been completed on budget, on time and without incident, see our surveyors comments below.

Lead Surveyor
Hi Andy

"Many thanks for delivering an efficient and very helpful service for Natural Power and in particular the ecology team in undertaking the Rampion bird and marine mammal surveys for 2011 and in helping us continue our 100% record in completing the surveys in time each month."
Look forward to working with you in the near future.


Hi Andy

"Thanks again to you and all the team for the safe, friendly and comfortable trips out on Rampion on the Mabel Alice - and the pies!
Hope to work with you again in the near future.


Hi Andy,

I would like to say thanks to you and your team for some great surveys aboard the Mabel Alice – I can safely say the Mabel Alice surveys are the only ones that I go on where I look forward to the company of the crew and know that as well as good company all our needs will be met i.e. the food keeps coming!! Great stuff. I do hope we will have the chance to work together again.

Many thanks to our customer Natural Power and their team of Surveyors we have enjoyed working with you!

Mabel Alice is currently resting in Brighton Marina awaiting next orders, so if you need a safe vessel for survey, transfer,safety standby, SAR Duties etc call us for an immediate response day or night.

Our client list continues to grow, we have worked for and on behalf of Natural Power, Natural England, SSE, E.ON and 20th century fox, can we add you to the growing list??

Mabel Alice in Mounts Bay heading into Newlyn.

Contact us to see how we may be able to help your organisation.

visit our web site

Have a great day and Stay Safe!


Saturday, 22 October 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd Update!!

Offshore Marine Support Ltd has just completed yet another Survey on Rampion windfarm, another 100% successful survey, we would like to thank everyone that recently contacted us regarding new services and support, its interesting that during the past week we have had more positive hits on our web site than ever!! OMS Ltd remains dedicated to safe, compliant operation and our planned expansion is moving forward at great speed, See our customers comments, look our for new vessel details soon, we can offer a TURNKEY package from vessel design through to delivery and operation.

Mabel Alice alongside in Brighton Marina

Beyond Service to the wind industry!!

on Friday 21st October Mabel Alice was surveying Between Newhaven and Brighton approximatly 6 miles off when a " PAN PAN" was called by Solent Coastguard, looking at the coordinates passed to us we were found to be just 2 miles from the casulaty vessel, as a result Solent CG requested we make our way to the casulty vessel,
We were advised by Solend CG that the dive vessel had broken down and that they had 4 divers on a wreck below, the broken down vessel had drifted more than half a mile from the divers and had no way off recovering them when they returned to the surface. Mabel ALice arrived on Scene with 10 minutes of the call ensured that the casulty vessel was safe and had deployed its anchor then made its way to the dive site to recover the divers. We quickly found the divers and confirmed that they were all safe and well, by this time Newhaven Lifeboat was well on its way, Mabel Alice and crew stood by without recovering the divers untill Newhaven Lifeboat arrived and handed the incident over.
We had spent a couple of hours with Newhaven Lifeboat on the previous evening off Brighton Training, carrying out a towing excercise and deploying a drogue.

Thanks to the Men and women of Newhaven Lifeboat!

What ever your requirements, OMS Ltd may be able to help, growing and developing with the wind industry, we have vessels for Survey (JNCC Compliant) transfer, maintainance, safety, standby,Towage, escort etc, from Small Tugs, Survey vessels, and fast Ribs all commercially endorsed and aviailable throughout Europe for long or short term charter.

Mabel Alice "Buzzed by a Hercules"! at flybridge level

Call us with your requirements!

Have a great weekend and stay safe on the water!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Here We Grow Again!

Offshore Marine Support Ltd, We have access to Tugs, Commercially coded Ribs and can support the following,

Wind farms,

We have JNCC, MCA, IMCA Compliant vessels available for the following services;
Bird and Mammal Survey,
Crew Transfer,
General Support,


We can provide unrivalled safety boats, all weather Ribs for projects such as Bridge builds, support on rivers and estuarys, were Health and Safety dictate the very best support and cover is required, our crews have been hand picked fromj the most experienced SAR professionals in the UK today, calling on there vast experience of working at sea in the harshest environments!

What ever your requirement we can help, providing service and support, we have other ribs that are easily transported by road enabling us to mobilise very quickly. We have a backup service so that we can take care of breakdowns quickly nationwide.

Call us with your requirements!

For a Personal Touch, Andy

Monday, 26 September 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd

How we may be able to Help your company
We at Offshore Marine Support Ltd are dedicated to making life at sea safer, we have professional crews waiting to provide support for many tasks,

We can provide vessels for Bird and Mammal Surveys, this is something we have provided for Natural Power, EON, SSE, Natural England etc, our vessels are JNCC Compliant IMCA Compliant and MCA Endorsed to 60 miles from safe haven.
Our vessels are available for Survey towing, crew transfer, safety and SAR, Standby, Escort Duty, water sampling, etc. we have provided mainy hours of safe Bird and Mammal surveys and this has caused our customers to use us time and time again (see our endorsements on our web site).

We offer Inland safety support, rivers canals and Lake safety our smaller craft can provide inshore and offshore support including SAR and safety for events and commercial operations such as major building projects and Air safety. Our crews are made up from very well appointed and proffesional SAR trained and commercially endorsed crew, we take care of the medical support some of our competent crew members are trained to Technical and First response including de-fib ensuring we are very well equipped for any eventuality.

We have provided filming facilities for 20th century fox while filming with the "Mathew" for the film "Voyage of the Dawn Treader"

Our main vessel "Mabel Alice" is the Ex Penlee Lifeboat, she is an Arun Class vessel retaining all of her original SAR features, she is self righting and is therfore able to cope with the worst conditions imaginable, that said "we dont wish to try it".
Mabel Alice has 6 Berths, 240v via our 14KVA Generator, a full galley (we include meals with our rates), full safety equipment onboard including wet weather gear for 17 persons safety equipment for all poersons carried to a maximum of 12 passengers and 3 crew, liferafts, and a full and comprehensive navigation package.

We have a variety of Ribs for inshore SAR and safety support,

In 2011 we are hoping to order our first wind farm cat, watch this space!!
We are a small company with a Big Heart, please support us!

Please Follow us!!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

The Lowestoft Air Show 2011, A tribute to Flt Lt Egging.

Offshore Marine Support Ltd and Mabel ALice had great pleasure in providing free safety support for the Lowestoft Air Show 2011, Please see our tribute to Flt Lt Egging who was tragically killed a few days later, " We Salute you" and the fine men and women of the RED ARROWS, "Fly safe" where ever you maybe!!

Low levels passes over Mabel Alice off Lowestoft.

We were priveledged to have been able to support the event and provide sea based support, The Red Arrows are the worlds greatest !

Our Tribute to the men and women of the Red Arrows!

Offshore Marine Support Ltd

Supporting local events, putting something back into society ! a new British company, supporting the Offshore wind and Renewables industry

Have a safe weekend!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd "Update"

We are working very hard to develope our organisation, recently we have been in action with "Mabel Alice" on Galloper wind Farm for SSE Renewables see our recent picture's

A Brilliant Day for Bird and Mammal Surveys

Offshore Marine Support Ltd is dedicated to providing safe vessels for Offshore Support, not only for Bird and Mammal survey, however our vessels are JNCC Compliant and have been audited to a very high standard (MCA and IMCA), Copies may be electronically available!
Our vessels are safe, stable and very well fitted out to provide an ideal platform for Bird and Mammal Survey, we have onboard accomodation, full galley facility, 14KVA generator, poviding ample 240v power and a huge inventry of Electronics and safety equipment.

Call us with your requirements, long or short term vessel charter available

Consider Supporting new businesses in the offshore wind industry!

Have a great day and "Stay Safe"

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Welcome to Offshore Marine Support Ltd

Mabel Alice in the English Channel, a long days Survey over and the trip back to Brighton Marina.

We recently took Mabel Alice from Lowestoft to Gt Yarmouth, through the Broads and back to Oulton Broad to support "999 day" on the Broads, the vessel brought some strange stares as we wound our way through the narrow and shallow waters of the Broads, she created great interest from many people on 999 Day and many people came onboard.

We are now In Lowestoft, Having worked for Natural Power, Natural England, EON and soon SSE at Lowestoft, we are making significant headway! thanks to all of those who have trusted us with there surveys and contracts!

We are working hard towards a deal with an organisation to produce an 18 mtr Cat, all being well she will be with us in 2012.
The industry grows from strength to strength and we are well placed to grow with it.

Our Vessels are MCA Cat 2, IMCA inspected, JNCC Compliant, very well maintained and crewed by competent crew.

The Future for OMS Ltd

We are seeking to engage with developers, and finance organisations that are prepared to support the wind and renewables industry, we have plans to continue to develope and grow.

Follow us on our web site, on Linkedin and through our Blogs, where we will continue to post news and plans.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd

We recently visited Alicat and Vanguard Marine, with a view to looking at new build vessels,see pics below!

Fantastic boats being built in the UK, I guess South boats next!

Update on Mabel Alice,

Last Saturday Mabel alice made a passage from Lowestoft to Gt Yarmouth and then we transited the Broads back to Oulten Broad to support 999 day on the broads, Mabel Alice was open to the public and everyone had a great day.

Mabel Alice, transiting the Broads

Back to business!

Mabel Alice remains available for charter, she is JNCC Compliant and has successfully performed many Bird and Mammal Surveys, she is available for Survey, crew transfer, safety (she retains all her lifesaving equipment)standby etc, fast mobilisation available, proffesional service.

Call us with your requirements

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Happy Tuesday Morning

Offshore Marine Support Ltd, continues to grow, we have joned forces with yet another organisation in Northern Ireland David Ferran & Sons, they bring a wealth of information, vessels and support to the table, follow the link for more information on their service
Mabel Alice continues to be located in Lowestoft and is currently available for Charter.

Irish Mist is currently completing re-fit and will soon be in Belfast and available for Charter.

Both Arun Class vessels, Mabel Alice and Irish Mist are JNCC Compliant and have already successfully completed several Bird and Mammal Surveys

Mabel Alice

Irish Mist

What ever your requirements, we may be able to help, we have several commercially coded Ribs available for charter.
Our vessels have already completed several Ornithological Surveys and Filming duties.

We are in discussion with several wind cat builders and anticipate placing an order for a new build 18 or 20 mtr vessel very soon, with that in mind if you are looking to charter such a vessel in the near future talk to me, we can have a vessel built to your exact requirements (subject to a committment)

We take great pride in introducing our services to the Offshore Renewable world! ensuring Quality, Professional service and unequalled support.

Have a great day! and " Stay Safe on the water"

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Offshore Marine Support , Welcomes "Irish Rover"


New vessels Details!

I have great pleasure in welcoming Irish Rover to the growing list of vessels available for charter, she belongs to Nelsons Boats and Marine services and will be available for charter soon, Call quinton on 02891 883403 or mobile 07811 230215 for more details

Irish Rover Boasts more Berths than Mabel Alice, she has a full Galley and has managed to retain many of her Original features! Call us for charter details

Mabel Alice, retains most of her original features including full galley facilities 6 Berths, Digital TV, Heads etc,

These vessels are maintained regardless of cost, they have both been deemed as Compliant for ornithological survey by JNCC,

See what our customers Say! our web site has customer comments and recommendations.

Our vessels are both currently available for charter,

Have a nice day!


Sunday, 19 June 2011

The week Ahead!

I am busy here, making steady progress with OMS Ltd

We are looking to engage with people withing the offshore renewables industry, Gas, oil and Wind.

Our History, I started Offshore Marine Support Ltd in 2010 and to date we have worked for several prestigious companies in the filming industry and with in wind and renewables sectors.

We completed filming previously for ITV,s the Royal where I took part in several scenes onboard a period lifeboat (over a week)for an episode call "Dead Air" soon to be aired on ITV, working with actors such as Robert Daws.
We also had the priveledge to work with 20th Century on the "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" last years Narnia film release just before Christmas.

Robert Daws on the foredeck of the "Elsenby Lifeboat" in the Solent filming.

We have held our own working in the offshore wind industry while working with Natural Power, Natural England, EON to name a few.

Current Vessels!

Mabel Alice and Irish Mist remain the back bone of our current operations (Both Arun Class Vessels)the have been successfully used for Bird and Mammal Surveys and are JNCC Compliant!
We have access to 2, 15 ton bollard pull tugs and several Commercially coded Ribs.

We are planning a 18 - 20 mtr windcat in 2011 - 2012 and are engaged in talks with operators currently, we need your committment guys!!

We are happy to discuss your requirements,

Our Committment!

Compliant, safe, and well organised operations at sea.
Proffesional Crews.
Immaculate, well presented and safe vessels that have already proven there sea keeping abilities for many decades.
Cost effective solutions
Open, Honest, discussion with customers

What we want!

You to call us with your requirements, give us the chance to quote and to work with you.

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Offshore Marine Support Ltd, "Here we Grow again"

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Its been sometime since I posted any Blogs! appologies but as they say"No news is Good News!

Here is my Update, I have been slowly working towards increasing our business profile through media such as Linkedin etc, where we have made a huge amount of business friends and Collegues.If anyone has any further ideas for free industry advertising feel free to drop me a line!

Mable Alice is now a resident of Lowestoft as I recently re-positioned her in a bid to find her work on the East Coast. We are currently engaged in talks with several operators on the East Coast who have expressed an interest in Chartering her mainly for Ornithological Survey and standby duties.

Mabel Alice will soon be joined by a Second Arun Class Vessel.

News Flash!!!

OMS Ltd is currently exploring the viability of adding a windcat to our growing fleet of vessels.It is anticipated that she will be 18 to 20 mtrs, depending on specification. We are activly seeking to engage with end users which will enable us to have a bespoke vessel built to exacting customer requirement ,so should you require a similar vessel please contact me.

We have attended many conference's throughout the last 18 months, including locations such as Aberdeen, Falmouth, Twickenham, Bristol and more recently Southampton where we have been able to hold our own! being a small business. We have been able to rub shoulders with many CEO'S, Directors and Operators within the wind industry and on two occassions even managed to take the stand and address delegates directly (Not exactly easy when you face upto 250 very senior delegates).

The wind industry is fraught with locked doors and doors contantly being closed in ones face but I will continue to knock on doors and prove to the industry we have a product worth investing in.

We thank all those who have supported us including previous customers such as EON, Natural Power Natural England, 20th Century Fox and Beatwax where Offshore Marine Support Ltd has been proud to supply our vessels to there requirements.

Mabel Alice and Arun Class Vessels are very capable vessels and our Aruns maintain their safety features, these vessels are stable very agile and able to contend with the very worst weather conditions making them very safe for your offshore projects!!

We can send you Vessel specification, detailed support details by request!

Have a great weekend and please ALL "Stay Safe At Sea" remember your life jacket will only save you if you wear it!


Please note we are not in anyway associated with the RNLI, (although I am Ex ALB crew).

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Thursday Mornings Blog!

Welcome to Thursdays Blog! As news was limited yesterday I did not post anything, apologies!!

Company Profile.

Offshore Marine Support Ltd eveolved from our previous business " The Arun Experience"
This was started by me initially to offer trips to Customers in the Bristol Channel, it was a good place to start but with limited success, today we are in a very different market. OMS Ltd was founded in 2010, the search for a way into the industry began, I attended many conferences from Aberdeen to Falmouth and during those trips I have made many friends, on two occasions have been given the opportunity to address the delegates, standing in front of up to 300 delegates as a relative "newbie" is not easy! I remember at one event getting applause for having the nerve to take the stand!

OMS Ltd is dedicated in providing, a comprehensive, safe and well organized solution to offshore Charter. We can assist with a variety of different situations our vessels are JNCC compliant for survey, however they are suitable for a multitude of tasks;

Ornithological Survey
Survey and Towing
Crew Transfer
Safety standby
VIP site tours
Small cargo Etc


We are based in Portishead, however on Arun is currently in Refit in Northern Ireland and Mabel Alice is currently working out of Brighton, we are able to mobilize quickly to any location.

Previous Customers include

EON, Natural England and Natural Power, we welcome new customers and would like to thank our previous customers for there custom and support!

The Future for OMS Ltd,

As we continue to grow I hope that we can add further vessels to our growing fleet, during 2011 we propose to add or at least order new build wildcat to our fleet and as a result are seeking to engage with end users!! If you are seeking to contract such a vessel please contact me.

Thanks for reading my Blog, I am glad to receive comments, it proves that this is being read! I have had several positive comment from around the world, please keep them coming,

Have a great Thursday and "Stay Safe"

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Welcome to Tuesday mornings Blog

OMS Ltd, is dedicated in providing safe, cost, effective, and dedicated service, if you have a project coming up and need support we might be able to help, Through our associated companies we can provide crew training including first aid, Sea Suvival,VHF DSC,Radar, boat handling PB Level 1 and 2 to advanced etc.

We can offer a complete package for you project from vessel management to support and training.

We have 2 Arun Class vessels, both are JNCC Compliant, we also operate 2 Harbour tugs based Northern Ireland and 2 Coded Ribs.

We are growing and have plans to add a windcat this year, if a windcat is something you require in the future talk to us,
Mabel Alice in a previous Life.

Several people have asked for more picture's, so here goes!!
Mabel Alice providing safety support on the River Avon from Portishead to Bristol city Docks 2010.

Almost at Bristol, passing through the Avon Gorge!

Previous Filming Escapades

For any of you that watch or have watched Heartbeat or the Royal, I was involved in filming an episode as a lifeboat crew memeber, Recognise anyone!!!!

So as you can see OMS Ltd and our associate companies can offer support for many different requirements, for filming we have a variety of most classes of Ex Lifeboats.

For anyone that would like to discuss our services directly with me, call me on 07590 688046

Have a great Tuesday and if your out on the water "stay safe"


Monday, 11 April 2011


Good Morning

Offshore Marine Support Ltd would like your support, we are intereseted in talking too anyone responsible for vessel chartering, we have a variety of vessels for charter, We aee considering adding a windcat to our fleet by the end of 2011 we would particularily like to talk to you if you are considering a long term charter for a new build Cat!
Mabel Alice has 6 berths a full Galley and is fully fitted to be at sea for a considerable abount of time.
Mabel Alice has "Air Suspended" seats with Lap belts for safety and comfort,
We have a 14Kva Generator onboard providing 240v.
No Oil here (unless its inside the engines)! maintained to the highest level, spotlessly clean!! a nice pair of Cats!!!Many engine rooms are hidden from view, and in my opinion are forgotten,

What ever your requirements we may be able to help, Our Blog is about advertising our services and I hope give you an insight into our vessels and committment to the Renewables industry,

Please call us with your requirements,

Thanks and Have a Great Monday!


Friday, 8 April 2011

Welcome to Friday's Blog @ Offshore Marine Support Ltd!

A thought for the weekend!

Share a thought as you rest this weekend for anyone in any industry that has the initiative to "have a go themselves" I applaud anyone that starts a business especially in the current climate!
People who get on with it!! deserve some credability!!!

I started OMS Ltd from nothing in 2010, against all odds we are still here!

Please support us, even if its by only following us!

I have been busy networking through Linkedin, I now have many contacts and I hope friends, please follow and support us!


We need the support of the industry, we offer a professional chartering service, with quality equipment and very well trained personnel.
Can you help us? if you are a vessel charterer, please consider our services as you enjoy your weekend!!

We are planning on adding a wind cat in 2011, she will be a new build, we want to talk with you if you are considering chartering one this year.

All of our vessels can be modified to suit your requirements.

Please consider new enterprise, we and many others like us have a lot to offer the industry without compromise,

We have some great recommendations for work we have carried out on windfarms!!

Have a great weekend! and "Stay Safe"


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Have a Great Wednesday

A simple post for today, a few images of our past charter, Mabel Alice was used as support vessel for two weeks while filming for a new Narnia Film "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" an Epic voyage and some great fun for all involved!! This shot was taken in Mounts Bay, the original Home of " Mabel Alice"

Mabel Alice Entering the Home of Penlee Lifeboat, Newlyn Harbour!


We are currently operating two JNCC Compliant vessels for Survey, Mabel Alice is currently engaged on an Ornithological survey on the Rampion Site, Both vessels are available for Charter.

Offshore Marine Support Ltd has vessels to support your projects, survey, safey, standby, maintainance, crew transfer, small cargo, Towing, Etc

Call us with your requirements, vessels can be modified to your requirements!


Thanks for reading my Blog!
